Why Do a Custom Survey
Accurate information on what competitors pay their employees is essential for businesses when making hiring decisions, paying bonuses and providing salary increases. Bluewater recognizes that employers often have a need for compensation data covering industry-specific or specialized jobs. Many times this information may not be available through published surveys, or the available data may be too out-of-date or not precise enough to be useful for an organization. In these situations, it makes sense for an organization to sponsor a custom survey.
Regardless of whether you'd like to create a valuable new member benefit or improve an existing survey, Bluewater makes it easy. We have a proven set of compensation and benefit questions, and a database containing hundreds of benchmark positions covering all industries from agriculture and health care, to retail and utilities, that accelerates survey design. Bluewater’s comprehensive approach to delivering custom surveys reduces the level of effort required on the part of your steering committee while delivering cost-effective and high quality results for your members. Our full range of services for custom surveys includes:
- Supporting and assisting customers with survey completion, including phone calls to provide encouragement
- Designing an online questionnaire
- Developing position descriptions and benchmark jobs
- Creating marketing and promotion materials
- Monitoring survey participant progress
- Analyzing and cleaning the survey data
- Building and distributing the survey reports
- Gathering and distributing participant feedback to the sponsoring organization
Regardless of the size, complexity or timeline associated with your survey project, Bluewater will deliver an outstanding product at a very affordable price.
If you'd like more information on how a custom survey could work for your organization, contact
Sue Bruder-Mattson at 770-777-4828
or by email at: surveys@bwnps.com.